Kafunsho Quest ended on June 30, 2023.
Contact: info@qi-corp.com
Kafunsho Quest ended on June 30, 2023.
Kafunsho Quest has started to distribute feature articles regarding allergies which are caused by pollens in spring.
Kafunsho Quest has started to distribute feature articles regarding allergies which are caused by pollens in spring.
We would like to end Happy Receipt App on August 15th 2021.
Kafunsho Quest's feature article was introduced to JAcom.
『特集!イネ科花粉症 2021年版』を公開しました!
Kafunsho Quest has started to distribute feature articles regarding allergies which are caused by pollens in early summer.
Kafunsho Quest has published the interview article regarding tantore high performance mask which is used by Yuzuru Hanyu,two-time Olimpic champion.
Kafunsho Quest has published the article regarding the Antihistamine Ranking rearding strength and sleepiness.
Kafunsho Quest and Happy Receipt have started Spring pollinosis campaign.
Kafunsho Quest and Happy Receipt have started to distribute feature articles regarding allergies which are caused by pollens in autumn.
新しい住所は、〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区3-1-9 渋谷Yazawaビル4F です。
We moved to the following office.
Yazawa-bldg4F 3-1-9 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0002, Japan
Kafunsho Quest's feature article were introduced to J-CAST News.
Kafunsho Quest has started to distribute feature articles regarding allergies which are caused by pollens in early summer.
"Kafunsho Quest" has just started a new smartphone application called "Happy Receipt".
We has just achieved our crowdfunding goal for developing a smartphone application called "Happy Receipt". Thank you for your kindoly supporting us.
"Kafunsho Quest" has just started a crowdfunding for our new smartphone application called "Happy Receipt".
"Kafunsho Quest" was introduced to ”Shibu5" which was one of NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation)nation-wide news programs.
Kafunsho Quest's feature article regarding the allergies which are caused by pollens in autumn were introduced to NICO NICO News.
Kafunsho Quest has started to distribute feature articles regarding allergies which are caused by pollens in autumn.
Kafunsho Quest starts to distribute the pollen dispersal information which is provided by Saitama University on Kafunsho Quest's website.
Kafunsho Quest and Therapeutic Promotion Society for Pollinosis and Rhinosinusitis has started the series "Noted Docters Tell You How to Treat Hey Fever" in a montely on our web.
Kafunsho Quest's feature article were introduced to MyNavi News.
◇twitter: @kafunq
◇facebook: @kafunq
Qi Corporation has just started “Kafunsho Quest” which provides latest information related to hay fever and allegies.
Yasutomo Ohnita will appear on "Doro no Ko to Semai Ie no Monogatari" from March 22nd to 26th at Asakusa Mokubatei Theather.
Company's establishment was registered.